Sunday, June 27, 2010

Welcome New Comers !! and cleaning my tank~~~

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今天买到了 20只超可爱的小Shrimps!!
是从craiglist上的一个breeder 那里买的 $.50一只

和 3只 叫做Pristela Tetra 的鱼, 还是在 atwater 的Nature Pet Center买的
非常小,但是它们有着圆滚滚的身体, 尾部基本上呈透明色现在和little school们在一起

Pristela Tetra

Scientific Name : Pristella maxillaris
Common Names : X-Ray Tetra, Albino Pristella
Care Level : Easy, good for the freshwater fish beginner
Size : 2 inches (5 cm)
pH : 6 - 8
Temperature : 75°F - 82°F (24°C - 28°C)
Lifespan : 5 years or longer
Origin / Habitat : Amazon River, South America
Temperament / Behavior : This is a schooling fish that is usually very peaceful.
Breeding / Mating / Reproduction : They have been bred in captivity and are egg layers. They will scatter eggs in plants and they should hatch in 24 hours.
Tank Size : 10 gallon minimum (schooling fish)
Compatible Tank Mates : They are generally peaceful but may be skittish around larger tank mates. Best kept in a small school of 6 or more.
Fish Disease : Freshwater Fish Disease, be smart and use a Quarantine Tank
Diet / Fish Food : An omnivore - provide a varied diet with live food, frozen food and they should accept flake food. They will eat live plants too.
Tank Region : Middle to bottom
Gender : Can be difficult to determine, female may be more full bodied
Gallery Photos : Pristella Tetra Photos
Similar Species : Characins, Tetras
Fish Lore Forum : Pristella Tetra Forum


清洁 小食人鱼 鱼缸的过程。。。。
cleaning my Piranhas tank, they are really messy fish.


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