Sunday, June 27, 2010


Now I have 3 Aquariums:

JEBO 9 Gallon |  3.5 Gallon | Marina Table Cube
JEBO 9 Gallon { bought June 6st, 2010 $89.99 in NATURE Pet Centers}

Red Belly Piranhas  x 2
Gold Chinese Algae eater x 2
       (there are 3 before, one was disppeared, probally eatten)
Leopard Algae eater x 1
Blue Lobster x 1

3.5 Gallon, I call it  petty school. bought in Aqua Tropical, $9.99 yesterday June 26th.

Sumatra Halfbeaks x 1(2 before, one died)
Green spotted drawf puffers x 1(3 before, 2 sold)
Pristela Tetra x 3
Barbu Neon Roseq x 2
Green Tiger Barb x 5
Orange Tiger Barb x 3
Mexican lobster x 1
Marina Table Cube, bought in atwater Nature Pet Center, $34.99 two weeks ago. June 15th

Crown Tail Betta x 1
Crevette Crystal Rouge Red Shrimps x 1

and some other fish in my friend's tank,

Cichilds x ?
Kissing Fish x 2
Silver Dollar  x 1(2 before, one was eatten)
Dragon goby x 1

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